Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Get Your Teeth Whiter Naturally

Whether you drink red-wine, cola, coffee or tea you will obviously experience teeth discoloration. In-fact any drink or food that has the ability to stain carpets, clothes or other fabrics can stain your teeth, these includes fruit juices, soy sauce, blueberries, and curry. You can help keep your teeth whiter or free from stain by observing the following.

While in most cases professional cleaning may be the best way to get rid of aged in stains these few steps may help you:

1. After every meal or drink rinse your mouth with plain water, make this a habit and do it for every meal whether the meal or drink is staining or not this way you won't forget.

2. Sip drinks that are capable of staining your teeth with a straw this will minimize contact with your teeth.

3. Floss after each meal, brushing is good but sometimes it does not get into in-between the teeth for better cleaning. Flossing helps to prevent plaque that absorbs color from drink or food.

4. Brush your teeth twice a day. This has more advantage than any one can write in a book, just know that it is so good and beneficial to brush twice daily more so if you are coffee drinker.

Talk to your dentist and get advise on professional options. Be very careful on over the counter whitening products. Sometimes it is cheaper to spend a little more now than spending big later.

Tooth sensitivity is a very common side effect of teeth whitening, make certain you know what you are doing.

For more information on choosing professional dentist visit fezdental and click on List Of Providers. You can even sign up securely for a $5 CO-PAY dental insurance that covers all pre-existing conditions with no waiting periods right there.

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